The Great Gingerbread QR Code Hunt

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Every year one of Title 1 Reading Specialists at my school enjoys baking gingerbread cookies with the class. I recently read the book, The Gingerbread Kid Goes to School, to my class, and I thought it would be fun to coordinate a QR code hunt (much like the previous QR code hunt I did) that would have my class chasing an elusive gingerbread man around the school!

Rhyme Time

I mapped out the order of the stops on the hunt. Then I began writing 4 line rhymes that included clues as to where the gingerbread man was headed next. Once I had the rhymes done it was time to record them!

The Gingerbread Man Comes Alive with Voki

Voki allows you to create avatars that speak. You can modify the avatar’s appearance and background. They just so happen to have a Gingerbread man avatar!  I had my boyfriend read the clues for me, so the kids wouldn’t recognize my voice, plus I’m not a man!

Screenshot 2014-12-09 23.07.17

Then Things Started to Crumble…

When I tried to create a QR Code for a Voki, I realized that the Voki wouldn’t load on a smart device. After brainstorming, I decided to use a screen capturing program to make a video of the Vokis playing, post on You Tube, and then make a QR Code for the You Tube URL.

Camtasia to the Rescue

I won Camtasia, a screen capturing software, when I was at EdCamp PGH last April.  I was able to use this to record  each Voki I had made.  Then I uploaded each video to You Tube.

Creating the QR Code

First, I used SafeShare TV to create safe links for my You Tube videos.  This is a great website, because it allows you to share You Tube videos with your class without advertisements or recommended videos popping up at the end.  Next, I used QR Code Monkey to generate a unique QR code for each video clue, and I saved each as a PNG file on my computer.

Pulling it All Together

I made some gumdrops in Microsoft Word and inserted a QR code on each one. Next I will print and laminate the gumdrops, and post them around the school in their proper spots. Next week on the day of the hunt, the Title 1 teacher is going to mix, roll and cut the cookies with the students.  Then, she is going to take them to the cafeteria to bake in the oven. When she comes back she is going to tell them that the Gingerbread escaped and we have to find them!   Students will be given the first QR code gumdrop to scan in the classroom, which will lead them to each subsequent stop. Eventually, the students will wind up back in the classroom, where their warm cookies will be waiting for them!

If you are interested in using this QR Code Hunt, you can find it in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

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