Project Planning
When I first sat down to brainstorm about cross-curricular projects for my classroom, I began by making a table that had 6 columns. In the first column I listed the weeks of school. In the second and third columns I mapped out what we would be covering in math and reading each week. I reserved the fourth column for possible social studies or science connections. In the fifth and sixth columns I began jotting down ideas for connections to the arts and technology. I would recommend this brainstorming activity for anyone trying to follow in my footsteps in regards to integrating technology into your curriculum.
Lesson Background
During the first week of school we focus on reviewing phonics skills and sight words in reading, and in math we focus on number sense. Many teachers do “All About Me” activities the first week of school to help students get to know one another. I wanted to modernize this process, so I thought digital storytelling tools would be a natural fit with this goal in mind.
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